Faire du sport c’est bien mais avoir des résultats visibles
c’est mieux. Malheureusement ne faire que du sport ne suffit généralement pas
pour avoir les résultats escomptés, 70% passe par la nutrition donc en gros
pour prendre du muscle ou perdre du gras y a pas de secret faut adapter son
alimentation en conséquence.
Practice is good but if you can have visible result it's way better. Unfortunately workout is not enough to get your dream body,in fact weight loss or gain is 70% of diet and 30% of gym. If you want to gain or loss weight you have to adapt your diet.
Practice is good but if you can have visible result it's way better. Unfortunately workout is not enough to get your dream body,in fact weight loss or gain is 70% of diet and 30% of gym. If you want to gain or loss weight you have to adapt your diet.
Il y a une chose très importante en ce qui concerne la
nutrition et que tout le monde ne connait pas, en effet chacun de nous né avec
des prédispositions pour perdre ou prendre du poids, tout ceci est lié au
There is something really important concerning the diet and most people do not know about it, in fact all of us we are born with some predisposition to gain or loss weight, all are linked to the MORPHTYPE.
There is something really important concerning the diet and most people do not know about it, in fact all of us we are born with some predisposition to gain or loss weight, all are linked to the MORPHTYPE.
Il existe en tout 3 morphotype, pour savoir à quelle catégorie vous
appartenez c’est assez simple :
There is 3 kind of morphotype, if you want know in wich category you are is quite simple:
There is 3 kind of morphotype, if you want know in wich category you are is quite simple:
Ectomorphe ou Maigrichon : Physiquement l’ectomorphe se caractérise par
un visage triangulaire, un squelette fin, des membres assez long et des épaules et un bassin étroit. Enfin comme
avez pu le deviner il a une fable masse musculaire et une faible masse
graisseuse. Voici un physique type d’ectomorphe, M.Brad Pitt, est ectomorphe
est pourtant il a réussi à développer un physique assez avantageux.
Ectomorphe or The Skinny one: Physically the ectomorphe got a triangular face, thin bones and his arms and legs are really long, his shoulders and his pelvis are very tight..Finaly his fat and muscle weight are very low.Brad Pitt is ectomorph, despite that fact, he manage to get a very good shape in many of his movies.
Ectomorphe or The Skinny one: Physically the ectomorphe got a triangular face, thin bones and his arms and legs are really long, his shoulders and his pelvis are very tight..Finaly his fat and muscle weight are very low.Brad Pitt is ectomorph, despite that fact, he manage to get a very good shape in many of his movies.
En gros si vous êtes fin, que vous n’avez pas beaucoup de
muscle ni de graisse, et que vous avez les poignets et les chevilles de faible
diamètre vous êtes ectomorphe, ce qui signifie que vous allez devoir manger
comme deux si vous vous voulez prendre du poids. L'avantage c'est que vous pouvez manger ce que vous voulez tant que vous faites du sport à cotés. Il faudra aussi éviter de trop travailler le cardio(course à pieds, vélo et tout ce qui travaille l'endurance) qui a tendance à puiser dans les graisses et vous faire perdre du poids.
To make it short, if your muscle and fat weight are very low, and your wrist and your ankle are very small, you will have to eat a lot to gain weight.On the other hand you can eat almost whatever you want if you practice regularely . You will have to avoid to do a lot of cycling, running or swimming, because those activities disable you to gain weight.
To make it short, if your muscle and fat weight are very low, and your wrist and your ankle are very small, you will have to eat a lot to gain weight.On the other hand you can eat almost whatever you want if you practice regularely . You will have to avoid to do a lot of cycling, running or swimming, because those activities disable you to gain weight.
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